How can you leverage accurate crypto data to generate alpha opportunities and accurately mark positions?

Your Challenge
Yes, hedge funds can take more risks than other investors. Risky doesn’t mean reckless – especially when it comes to the rapidly evolving crypto space. Bad inputs into your investment process can lead to poor investment decisions. Inaccurate prices can lead to mis-marked books.

Our Solutions
DAR empowers analysts and portfolio managers to identify opportunities and manage risks by providing accurate asset prices and a comprehensive crypto data set.

Robust Reference Rates for ISDA agreements, OTC transactions, and trading venue evaluations.
– Depend on DAR’s quality controls to ensure pricing reflects real values.
Intraday and Historic Prices to know exactly where the overall market stands at any moment and perform research on trading opportunities.
End-Of-Day Benchmark Pricing to calculate NAV and enable crypto portfolio valuations anywhere, anytime.
Digital Asset Taxonomy System (DATS) to identify new investment opportunities by theme.
– Organize portfolios with the DATS classification system to carve out market segments, help measure performance against benchmarks, and report risks and exposures.

Why DAR?

Pricing On 10,000+ Assets

Get prices for 10,000+ digital assets, including clean prices and verifiable volume for top assets calculated from qualified exchanges and using DAR’s quality controls.

Available On Bloomberg & Refinitiv

Access DAR prices through major market data platforms.

Comprehensive Crypto Events Calendar

Identify trading opportunities and spot risks by tracking changes related to asset feature updates, software upgrades, and forks.

Identify and accurately evaluate crypto opportunities to drive returns.